The Azito power plant generates electricity using natural gas from the country’s offshore gas fields. Located in the village of Azito in the district of Yopougon, approximately 6 km west of Abidjan, the facility uses combined cycle gas turbines that generate 713 MW of electricity. This equates to around 30% of the country’s base load generation.
The plant supplies electricity under a 20-year concession agreement with the Government of Côte d’Ivoire. Globeleq owns 77% of the project company, Azito Energie, and 100% of the related operations and maintenance company, AZOM.
Globeleq and its partner, IPS (West Africa) added approximately 253 MW to Azito during Phase IV construction which concluded in 2023 and cost $370 million. Phase IV is adding an additional 2,000 GWh annually to Azito’s output and has increased access to electricity for hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses.
- Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
- Description: A 713 MW gas-fired power station in West Africa